Sunday 22 August 2010

Austria Amoureuse

As promised slightly earlier on... a blog on all past ex's to help vent anger, aid in the complete moving on process and to generally amuse with the amount of (Pride and Prejudice reference) Mr Collins's...or fairly bad eggs as they're known now-a-days!

Ex 1.
I was 12,  he was 16. It was my first band camp, as well as first kiss (yes, as in the American Pie band camp.) In all honesty, he is a good place to start as this dude is a reasonably lovely egg. Clever lad as well whilst we're being healthy with praise, unfortunately- the age gap just wasn't working well for my mother figure and she soon put a stop to it. However, the course of 'true love' never did run smooth and we kept the relationship a secret, on and off for the next 3 years. On and off due to the age gap and me being completely undecisive. He was sweet, we used to go running together around the park with his twin brother and then play badminton after...ahhh....good times. We ended it for good after the twelfth time of attempting it and are still good friends to this day!

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