Sunday 22 August 2010

Charming Chef

This relationship occured in year 8, I'll remember it as the first relationship my mother approved off in all honesty (mind you...there wasn't a backlog...yet) This relationship also started off rosy (you'll begin to see a trend here.) He asked me out a day before his birthday- how could I say no? It was lovely though at the time, I used to go round to his house, he'd cook me some form of food (note the chef title) and then we'd go up and watch a film or I'd listen to his drumming and then my parents would collect me all too soon and it would be time to say 'Au revoir me cherie!' The icing on the cake (oh I'm good at food links, especially puds) was when the romance was two months old.. picture the scene dear reader...

Valentines Day 2005
7am, I receive a phonecall telling me to look outside- this I do and notice its absolutely (excuse the French...c'est pluie comme vache...(it's pissing it down.)) Having made a note of the weather I climb back into bed only to get a text telling me to go to the front door. On my front step was a big red bag with 2 bunches of some sort of flower and a bunch of roses, chocolates, a big cuddly snow leopard and of course, the obligitary card addressed to the 'One I Love' (I still have this card incidentally!) This whole shenanigan is still to this day incredibly cute, however, the relationship only lasted a month longer when he decided to break it off over email (see... resorting to technology...again!!)  Ahh well. I don't see him much nowadays, he dropped out of college at Christmas time- shame really, I've known him since I was 6.

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