Sunday 22 August 2010

Ship Suitor


Fast forward a year, 5th August 2006 to be completely precise, and I embark on my first and only cruise (to this date... I'm a sufferer of seasickness y'sea...) The cruise in question was around the Med-stopping at such delightful ports like Marseilles, Ibiza, Barcelona, Pisa (this isn't actually a port but I can't remember what it was called so it'll have to make do.) Lovely ship, lots of teenagers-all my age for me to hang around with... and in particular a Smoggy (from Middlesbrough, who was an avid football fan and a keen singer,though his talents in both were however doubtful.) He kept me entertained during the week and even gave me my first slow-dance and sang Words on the Karaoke machine for me, cheesy but its a classic. I spent all my free time with him and the 'cruise gang' up on the top deck taking the mic out of each other's accents and discussing music and schools. In all, a really lovely holiday. I kept in touch with said boy, he made an appearence to my 14th birthday meal in China Town and stayed the night (though in the spare room, to save you dear readers of a heart-attack!!) The real problem with this guy was well... to be honest... I wasn't all that interested in him and we lacked trust, well he could trust me but I couldn't trust him-typical man. He ended up cheating on me twice and using emotional blackmail when I attempted to end it... Need I honestly say anymore? Long distance relationships often don't work.

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