Tuesday 23 August 2011

Exactly one year later

I am fully aware that a year has indeed passed since my last post. Which is shocking. But I can assure you will be worth the wait...
Since January, there has been a massive step-up in the Hunt for Darcy, (various rebounds and mistakes, possibly  me going of the rails slightly).

Started seeing an Irish (Northern, Belfast, to be exact) guy. This did not end well and to be brutally honest, as the common saying goes 'He was only after one thing'.

Rebounded pretty quickly, to a guy who shall forever be known as Twat. However, it was just a simple 'getting-over-something' rebound. Oh no. Because he also had a girlfriend, but when talking to me pretended as if he was single. Now I knew all about his girlfriend and his many previous failed relationship attempts but for some insane reason, that didn't set the warning sounds off in my head. Twat was also my band leader and I started to flirt with him around 2 years ago in an attempt to climb up to 1st Tenor (didn't work). This rebound seemed to last around (in total) 3-4 months and we only shared a kiss once. It was purely a technology thing, however, it is pretty bad when a guy you're not even properly seeing proposes to you via MSN (THE most unromantic way ever I may add). That did set alarm bells off and I attempted to make a subtle and hasty retreat onto...

Okay, so at this time whilst I was having a 'thing' with my band leader, I also got friendly with a guy named Druggie in Bury's only successful nightclub. This started off well (see, continuing the theme) but it turned out he too was only after one thing. He also took drugs (refused to tell me what though) and was Bi and had been involved (not all the way but still involved) with one of his best friends. He ended it in such a lovely manner, by telling me he hadn't been happy at all in the month that we had been together and that I generally annoyed him. How sweet. Needless to say, I was not broken-hearted or even slightly put-out after this. Success? I think so. Mr Darcy? He certainly wasn't.


Now, this is where it gets interesting. 19th May 2011 turns out to be a day that will forever be engraved onto my brain. It is also the day of my very first date. Manchester. Weatherspoons. A walk around the canal and Bridgewater Hall. Beautiful. The guy? Mr Daniel Mitchell, originally of Onchan (IOM) but now residing in Manchester due to bass trombone studies at the RNCM. Dan is also in my band (led by Twat, needless to say, this did not go down well at all).
3 months on from this initial date, we are now very much in love (yes, I know its still the honeymoon phase but have faith with me on this one). He is just simply a truly amazing guy who always knows how to make me smile (if you want to spy more on this one, a post will be published soon in my new blog 'Indecisive'). I can honestly see Dan being a part of my life for some very considerable length of time, and yes, the one that I am going to marry (in a good few years) and settle down with (same rules apply... <<). So, dear reader, I can conclude that I have found my Mr Darcy and he goes under the name of Mr Mitchell. I feel as if I should end my blog on some Pride and Prejudice quote, however at a little before 10am in the morning, I cannot remember the last page. But that is me done for, my hunt for Darcy has ended blissfully and I shall never get my heart broken again.

Monday 23 August 2010

Reincarnation perhaps?

Just had a thought, the very dishy, delectable and brooding Colin Firth has indeed played the role of Mr Darcy...twice. He was Bridget Jones's Mr Darcy as well as being Elizabeth Bennet's...coincidence? I think not! It is clear, readers, Colin Firth is  Mr Fitzgerald Darcy!

Sunday 22 August 2010

Ship Suitor


Fast forward a year, 5th August 2006 to be completely precise, and I embark on my first and only cruise (to this date... I'm a sufferer of seasickness y'sea...) The cruise in question was around the Med-stopping at such delightful ports like Marseilles, Ibiza, Barcelona, Pisa (this isn't actually a port but I can't remember what it was called so it'll have to make do.) Lovely ship, lots of teenagers-all my age for me to hang around with... and in particular a Smoggy (from Middlesbrough, who was an avid football fan and a keen singer,though his talents in both were however doubtful.) He kept me entertained during the week and even gave me my first slow-dance and sang Words on the Karaoke machine for me, cheesy but its a classic. I spent all my free time with him and the 'cruise gang' up on the top deck taking the mic out of each other's accents and discussing music and schools. In all, a really lovely holiday. I kept in touch with said boy, he made an appearence to my 14th birthday meal in China Town and stayed the night (though in the spare room, to save you dear readers of a heart-attack!!) The real problem with this guy was well... to be honest... I wasn't all that interested in him and we lacked trust, well he could trust me but I couldn't trust him-typical man. He ended up cheating on me twice and using emotional blackmail when I attempted to end it... Need I honestly say anymore? Long distance relationships often don't work.

Charming Chef

This relationship occured in year 8, I'll remember it as the first relationship my mother approved off in all honesty (mind you...there wasn't a backlog...yet) This relationship also started off rosy (you'll begin to see a trend here.) He asked me out a day before his birthday- how could I say no? It was lovely though at the time, I used to go round to his house, he'd cook me some form of food (note the chef title) and then we'd go up and watch a film or I'd listen to his drumming and then my parents would collect me all too soon and it would be time to say 'Au revoir me cherie!' The icing on the cake (oh I'm good at food links, especially puds) was when the romance was two months old.. picture the scene dear reader...

Valentines Day 2005
7am, I receive a phonecall telling me to look outside- this I do and notice its absolutely (excuse the French...c'est pluie comme vache...(it's pissing it down.)) Having made a note of the weather I climb back into bed only to get a text telling me to go to the front door. On my front step was a big red bag with 2 bunches of some sort of flower and a bunch of roses, chocolates, a big cuddly snow leopard and of course, the obligitary card addressed to the 'One I Love' (I still have this card incidentally!) This whole shenanigan is still to this day incredibly cute, however, the relationship only lasted a month longer when he decided to break it off over email (see... resorting to technology...again!!)  Ahh well. I don't see him much nowadays, he dropped out of college at Christmas time- shame really, I've known him since I was 6.

Austria Amoureuse

As promised slightly earlier on... a blog on all past ex's to help vent anger, aid in the complete moving on process and to generally amuse with the amount of (Pride and Prejudice reference) Mr Collins's...or fairly bad eggs as they're known now-a-days!

Ex 1.
I was 12,  he was 16. It was my first band camp, as well as first kiss (yes, as in the American Pie band camp.) In all honesty, he is a good place to start as this dude is a reasonably lovely egg. Clever lad as well whilst we're being healthy with praise, unfortunately- the age gap just wasn't working well for my mother figure and she soon put a stop to it. However, the course of 'true love' never did run smooth and we kept the relationship a secret, on and off for the next 3 years. On and off due to the age gap and me being completely undecisive. He was sweet, we used to go running together around the park with his twin brother and then play badminton after...ahhh....good times. We ended it for good after the twelfth time of attempting it and are still good friends to this day!

Thoughts from Google Images

Google images must be made by a woman... she knows exactly who Mr Darcy is (Colin Firth and that guy off Spooks, series 1.) There again, Jane Austen, the very inventor of the delectable man knows who he is...and she's of the female variety also. Maybe 'Pride and Prejudice' was based on a relationship that Jane had? I'm getting off topic here but basically, me being a bit of a Literature geek entails me to put complete faith in whatever Miss Austen had to say. I conclude that Mr Darcy is out there...I just haven't discovered him yet. To wet my appetite, and yours, dear reader- here's what good ol'trustworthy google images came up with. God they sure know how to please a girl!

'The first day of the end?'

Got out of a complicated 'thing' today (note the '      ', implying that it wasn't anymore of a thing than that I have with my sister's cats.) Decided that the world is too obsessed with technology and social networking. As a result, I've resorted to blogging, ironic I know... I'm sorely tempted to write a blog on all ex 'suitors' to "provide humour and allow me to channel my feelings" as my Psychiatrist would say- if I had one..